A.E.A. General Assembly in Brussels on the 8th of June 2013
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- 09 Jun
A.E.A. General Assembly in Brussels on the 8th of June 2013 sets further steps towards dynamic actions to reach the common goals.
On the 8th of June 2013, 19 delegates, representing 10 countries participated at the A.E.A. General Assembly in Brussels. The conclusions of the Brainstorming session in Leuven, organized on the 16th and 17th of March 2013 and the conclusions of the E.C.A.T. (European Committee for Audiology and Technology) on how to make the A.E.A. more effective were translated into dynamic actions.
An operative secretary was appointed and will be compensated financially for reporting and organizing the General Assembly, A.E.A. Board Meetings and E.C.A.T. Meetings.
A Secretary General at interim was appointed to facilitate dynamic actions and work on enhanced contacts with stakeholders.
The new A.E.A. website was presented and will go live at the end of the summer 2013. This website will also have a closed section to enhance a fast exchange of information between the A.E.A. member countries.
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