Malta joins A.E.A.
- Published in NEWS
- 22 Dec
We are happy to announce that the AGM and the council of MAA (Malta Association of Audiologists) agreed to join the AEA as a new member.
We are happy to announce that the AGM and the council of MAA (Malta Association of Audiologists) agreed to join the AEA as a new member.
We are happy to announce that the A.P.A. (Associação Portuguesa de Audioprotesistas – The Portuguese Association of Hearing Aid Professionals) Board has formally agreed to join the AEA as a new member.
They have the status as observer member.
March 3 is WHO’s International Ear Care Day.
On the International Ear Care Day March 3, the World Health Organization works with numerous stakeholders to raise awareness of hearing loss and to promote prevention of hearing loss.
To mark the day in Europe, three organizations (EFHOH, the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People, AEA, the European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals, and EHIMA, the European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association) have joined forces to launch a pan-European awareness campaign.
We are happy to announce that BSHAA (British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists) Council has formally agreed to join the AEA as a new member.
In 2015 they have the status as observer member.