World Hearing Day 3rd of March 2018
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- 02 Mar
Hear the future … and prepare for it.
AEA fully supports the WHO (World Health Organisation) World Hearing Day theme 2018.
Hearing loss is on the rise, in Europe the number of people with hearing loss will grow from 52 million today, to 68 million in 2030 and further to 81 million in 2050.
We need to be prepared for this, since hearing loss does not only lead to communication problems, but also to cognitive decline and being dependant on others.
The best way is to act is by prevention (safe listening), awareness (check your hearing at all ages) and intervention (accessible quality hearing care for all Europeans).
Read the full AEA Action Plan for World Hearing Day 2018.
Joint press release.
This year AEA joined forces with AGE Platform Europe, the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH) and the European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association (EHIMA) to highlight the importance of good hearing for everyone at all ages. Hearing impairment can be addressed with quality hearing care and the sooner the better.
“Professional Hearing Care and the use of hearing aids does not only lead to better hearing and understanding, but also activates people to stay independent and to keep enjoying life to the fullest”, says Mark Laureyns, President the European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals (AEA).
We also organise hearing screening and a lunch debate in the European Parliament in Brussels on the 6th of March 2018.
Read the full press release on World Hearing Day and The Lunch Debate in the European Parliament.