
AEA European Hygiene Guidelines for Hearing Aid Professionals

On the 21st of March 2019, the AEA board approved the “AEA European Hygiene Guidelines for Hearing Aid Professionals”

The guidelines are based on the VBA Guidelines,‘ Richtlijnen hygiëne en infectiepreventie in de audiologische praktijk’, developed by Melina Willems (audiologist, lecturer in audiology, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Ghent), in cooperation with the Flemish Professional Association for Audiologists ‘VBA, Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging Audiologen’.

The guidelines also reflect the hand hygiene guidelines developed by the World Health Organisation.
ECAT (European Committee for Audiology and Technology) has adapted these Guidelines for the European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals (AEA).

We want to thank the ECAT team and specifically Andrew Scribberas from our Maltese association, who has contributed very actively to these guidelines.

The board of AEA has adopted these guidelines on the 21st of March 2019.

The European Federation of Hard of Hearing People – EFHOH – has endorsed these guidelines.

You can download the “AEA European Hygiene Guidelines for Hearing Aid Professionals”
at the AEA Website – Recommendations by using this link


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